・ Ito Y, Hamaguchi T, Suzuki M, et al. Identification of unmet information needs among families of critically ill patients and their association with post-intensive care syndrome-family: protocol for a single-center cross-sectional study. BMC Palliative Care. 2025;24:29. doi: 10.1186/s12904-024-01599-w.
・ Ito Y, Ikehara H. Comment about ‘Medical, dental, and nursing students’ attitudes and knowledge towards artificial intelligence: a systematic review and meta-analysis’. BMC Medical Education. 2024;24:1327. doi: 10.1186/s12909-024-06095-6.
・ Ito Y, Oe R, Sakai S, Fujiwara Y, Kishimoto H. Intensive Care Unit Nurses’ Professional Autonomy: A Scoping Review. Cureus. 2024;16(3):e57350. doi: 10.7759/cureus.57350.
・ Ito Y, Tsubaki M, Sakaguchi Y. Emergency nurses’ perceptions of the changes in the quality of death and distress during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: A cross-sectional study. Health Emergency and Disaster Nursing. 2024;11:44–52. doi: 10.24298/hedn.2022-0004
・ Ito Y, Tsubaki M, Kobayashi M, Yagome S, Sakaguchi Y. Effect size estimates of risk factors for post-intensive care syndrome-family: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Heart & Lung. 2023;59:1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.hrtlng.2023.01.005.
・ Ito Y, Tsubaki M, Fujimoto M, Sakaguchi Y. Exploring the components of the quality of death in Japanese emergency departments: A qualitative study. Applied Nursing Research. 2022 56:151371. doi:10.1016/j.apnr.2020.151371.
・ Ito Y, Obana M, Kawakami D, Murakami N, Sakaguchi Y. The current status of bereavement follow-up in Japanese emergency departments: A cross-sectional nationwide survey. International Emergency Nursing. 2020:52:100872. doi: 10.1016/j.ienj.2020.100872.
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